The performer, whether are an actor or dancer, is led to embody action roles. 

The lack of physical training and the time taken to prepare for increasingly reduced filming undermines the credibility of these scenes.

AAA prepares and trains actors according to your needs.

AFDAS INTERNSHIP Initiation to action

AAA offers, in collaboration with the training organisation Clap Class, the training course " The actor in action ". Thanks to this 5 day internship, gain credibility and confidence for your future action scenes. Reactions, falls, weapons handling, tactical movement , arrests, and choreography
Learn the basics from professional stuntmen. The objective of this training is to develop the physical and technical qualities necessary for the embodiment of scenes of common actions in optimal safety conditions
This training can be financed personally , or if your situation allows it by AFDAS or Pole Emploi.

for all information and registration click on the logo

PHYSICAL PREPARATION and TECHNIQUE optimize your character...

The physical preparation that is proposed to you, has the objective serve as close as possible to the character that you mus embody it allows you to develop physical qualities andthus optimise your performance.
There are 2 main types of physical preparation :
– general physical preparation it is primarily used for the development and harmonisation of physical qualities, as part of a comprehensive preparatory work.
– The specific physical preparation is used especialy when a rparticular application such as in a weight gain or a weight loss... This work must allow you to acquire a optimal physical and mental condition, in order to feel completely at ease in your role, and to get as close as possible to your character.

Technical preparation for action scenes The purpose of this is to prepare your actor to the specific scenes requiring specific techniques, such as tactical movement (column progression, pairs, etc.) parkour (yamakasi)

The different fighting techniques (fists fighting, ground-work, trows, and submission) adapts to the character, a boxer does not fight like a knight.

The use and handling of different weapons (firearms, knives, etc...).

in order to prevent possible injuries due to certain falls the actor is in need of automatism that can only be acquired through repetitive, and supervised learning, this concerns falls from the simplest to the most dangerous (stairs, small height, projection).

 the gestures also guarantee the credibility of the role when it concerns an arrest, handcuffing, hostage taking etc.